Darren Stehle

Darren Stehle

You make a real difference in the world every time you stand up courageously and proudly for what you know is right, ethically supporting a common humanity of dignity and equity.
If Fear Is the Mind Killer What Is Its Opposite? LOP046

If Fear Is the Mind Killer What Is Its Opposite? LOP046

The fewer fears we have the more open-minded and accepting we are of possibilities and variations in all aspects of
3 min read
How to Manifest Your Dreams When They Seem Impossible – LOP045

How to Manifest Your Dreams When They Seem Impossible – LOP045

Now is the perfect time to review the events of this past year. What went well for you? What were
2 min read
How to Discover Your True Purpose in Life – LOP044

How to Discover Your True Purpose in Life – LOP044

Over the last few episodes of the Living OUT Podcast, I’ve been discussing the unique gifts that gay men
2 min read
In Gratitude: Meeting My Partner’s Family for the First Time – LOP043

In Gratitude: Meeting My Partner’s Family for the First Time – LOP043

For many people, meeting your beloved's family for the first time can be nerve-racking. This is a rite
1 min read
How Gay Men Imbue Culture With Beauty and Creativity – LOP042

How Gay Men Imbue Culture With Beauty and Creativity – LOP042

As a gay man, when I tune into beauty I connect with the source that creates life. From that source
2 min read
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer Is a Queer Hero’s Journey – LOP041

Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer Is a Queer Hero’s Journey – LOP041

Viewing the 1964 cartoon through a queer lens. As a little boy, I loved the classic Christmas cartoon, Rudolph the
1 min read
How My Parents Influenced My Gay Male Identity – LOP040

How My Parents Influenced My Gay Male Identity – LOP040

Our earliest influences that form who we become as adults start with our parents. While I am certainly not saying
2 min read
Forgiveness and Acceptance of Internalized Homophobia – LOP039

Forgiveness and Acceptance of Internalized Homophobia – LOP039

Gay men can lead others in a new model of forgiveness through their own healing of gay shame and understanding
1 min read
From Sissy Boys to Straight-Acting Gay Men

From Sissy Boys to Straight-Acting Gay Men

Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance Start with Understanding Our Gay Shame. Forgiveness allows you to live in the now, to have the
5 min read
Th-Ink OUT-side the Box to Improve the Quality of Your Life – LOP038

Th-Ink OUT-side the Box to Improve the Quality of Your Life – LOP038

How do you break out of the box you’ve built up around your life that limits your potential? You
2 min read