Who Believes in You More Than You Do?

The other day I wrote a post on my medium publication, Do You Celebrate or Neglect Your Wins?
The idea for the post came from a journal entry a year ago. I was caught up in the “doing of tasks”, stressed about what was going on in my business, and I totally glossed over a win I had on the day.
I remember the day because of how stressful it was.
I had been in a meeting that was very uncomfortable for everybody involved. The person directing the meeting made some very unsettling statements. I felt like cattle, like a piece of meat required to bring in money to the organization. There was nothing shared about worth or value as a way to strengthen the workplace.
With those post-meeting feelings about money and value I went to a potential client follow-up meeting. I felt worried because I wasn’t in a great state of mind. But the second meeting confirmed my value. My new client handed me a cheque for a month of coaching, my first, “Yes”. There wasn’t even a discussion. It was the easiest confirmation for my new endeavour I could have asked for.
After the meeting with my new client, I glossed over the win. I was stuck in my head, frustrated by the “inhumanity” of the first meeting. My partner, Christiaan, drew my attention to the fact that I hadn’t recognized my achievement.
A couple days later I was reflecting on my win, my dismissal of it, and Christiaan reminding me of actions. When I journal, I have prompts to ask if I’m not sure what to write about. One prompt is, “What abundance do I see in my life?” Here is what I wrote:
I have and I am seeing the abundance of Christiaan’s love for me. He really showed how much he cares and loves me this weekend, both obviously and covertly. On Monday night when I got home and got into bed with him, he reminded me to celebrate getting my first payment for my coaching practice. He was so cute and he made me feel special and important.
What that also means to me is that I have an abundance of love for him. In my moments of stress and frustration, Christiaan is showing up with love, caring, and support for me. Without anything else I could not ask for more. His love, our love, continues to expand.
Who needs to hear that you believe in them?
Who has helped you?
Who has believed in you?
Who told you it would be okay?
Who propped you up when you just couldn’t do it anymore?
Who told you it will get better?
Who smiled at you when you didn’t believe in yourself?
Go and tell that person what they did for you. Pay it forward. Let them know that you too believe in them.
Go. Do it now. :-)

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