Where You Stand Program

Where You Stand Program

A 13-Week Personal Evolution Group Coaching Program Starting Monday, January 17, 2022.

When you know where you stand in life, you know how to get to where you want to go.

You possess self-mastery grounded in clearly established values and beliefs that are in alignment with your purpose and your emotional drivers. You lead with integrity and peace of mind to make a difference in the world.

Watch this short video for an overview of the program.

Where do you stand? Ask yourself these questions.

  1. How do you know what goals are worth accomplishing in life if you don't know how they align with your values and purpose?
  2. Do you have difficulty controlling your emotions when you are around certain people, at work, or when discussing politics, climate change, human rights, racism, or gender and sexual identity?
  3. Does it sometimes feel like someone else is pulling the strings in your life — that you have little or no control of your actions, behaviours, and feelings?

There’s a terrible secret in personal development and coaching that most people don’t know — and most coaches don’t even know.

It’s not about goals. Everyone wants to talk about goals, how to set them, how to be productive, how much to write, when to wake up, how to meditate, and on and on without end.

Few people talk about the grounding you that makes you who you are. That's because most of us don't know who we are. Many of us think we know what we believe and value, but we have never been taught how to do the work of self-examination. Most of us don’t know if we truly believe what we think we believe.

For example, if you don't know your emotional triggers and drivers, you might have a difficult time managing how you want to feel. In other words, if you don’t know the paths or the steps that lead to particular emotions, you'll likely spend most of your time in reaction mode. This is a very unskilful way of living.

Another factor in managing how we feel is knowing why we believe what we believe. This is a missing feature in most personal growth work. It’s vital to one’s self-awareness and self-mastery to understand what you stand for on various issues in life like politics, love, work, relationships, and so on. If we don't know why we believe what we believe about these issues, we may end up feeling confused, frustrated, and uncertain about what to do or say next.

The Where You Stand Program is grounded in the neuroscience of creating certainty in your own life.

Having prediction and response is how we feel certain. It makes us feel safe when we feel comfortable in certain environments (like your home) or around the people you most trust.

When we feel safe and secure — existentially and psychologically — we behave as our best selves. We feel accepted, connected with others, relaxed, and free. The reason we feel this way is that we are spending more time in our pre-frontal cortex (PFC), which is our logical, creative brain. This is where we have meaningful, engaging conversations with others and where we think through complex problems and situations. If you’re not in your PFC most of the time, you can’t enjoy being in a flow-state as a writer, artist, musician, or any task that you find rewarding, absorbing, and joyful.

When you are grounded in values and goals, you have more skillfulness in your life.

Self-mastery is what gives you more prediction and response in dealing with the world and all the environments and situations in which you find yourself — self, home, work, relationships, politics, and so on.

Only when you are grounded — which is another way of saying centred or connected — can you take full responsibility for your choices and actions in life. You won't blame others or situations for how you react. You alone are in control and consciously aware that you can respond or act differently at any moment.

What would you accomplish in life if you experienced more joy, contentment, and freedom every day?

The Where You Stand Program will help you create a personal foundation of greater self-acceptance, self-awareness, self-compassion, and mindfulness.

Personal grounding is like gravity. You can't see gravity, but you can witness its effect on physical objects around you. Just as gravity keeps you connected to the earth, knowing where you stand roots you in a set of common-good principles that you can use to guide and course-correct your way through life. Like a GPS in your car, you’ll have options to reach your destination, and you’ll also know what direction to take so that you won’t veer off course.

In that state of self-mastery and personal grounding, you can depend on your values, beliefs, and purpose to continuously establish certainty in all areas of your life. You will become more self-aware, efficient, and wholly authentic.

Program Weekly Structure and Format

WYS begins Monday, January 17, 2022, and runs for 13 consecutive weeks, ending on Friday, April 15, 2022.

The program is designed to teach you only one aspect of self-mastery per week so that you won’t get overwhelmed, but also to give you enough time to get clarity, refinement, and alignment with that skill.

Every Sunday morning, I will email you with the week’s lesson in the form of a video and a worksheet that you can download and work on during the week. If you need any clarification, you’ll be able to email me, and I’ll respond no later than the next day.

Each week on Thursday, I will host a Zoom Q&A session so that I can answer your questions virtually. The call will be recorded for later viewing if you can't attend, and will be available on Friday morning.

Program Weekly Outline

  1. Values Process: Part 1
  2. Identity: Inner, Outer, and Projected Self Environments
  3. Values Process: Part 2
  4. Work and Living Environments
  5. Values Process: Part 3
  6. Social Environments
  7. Emotional Triggers, Drivers, and Recipes
  8. Define Your Beliefs
  9. Refine Your Core Beliefs
  10. Beliefs and Values Alignment
  11. Showing-Up Words
  12. Your Purpose & Statements of Truth
  13. Program Review: Where You Stand — Now.

Discover how to build a solid, personal foundation supported by the neuroscience of transformational coaching for clarity, focus, direction, and emotional alignment.

If you're ready to sign-up, click here to make your payment and guarantee your spot in the program. I have set the cap at 10 participants so that everyone can get the assistance they need to get the most value from the program.

Sign Up for Where Your Stand

Still not sure if the Where You Stand Program is for you?

Let's connect for a short conversation to find out if the program is a fit for you. Click here to send me a message, and I'll get back to you in 1-2 days at most.