We Don’t Need to Blindly Follow a Guru, Religion, or an Ideology To Be Moral

We need a practice of human heartedness that starts with human(e) thought leadership for the common good —TQ203
This begs the question, why are so many people afraid to take personal responsibility for their actions that affect the common good?
Note that I did not say negative or damaging actions because I believe we must take personal responsibility for our actions, regardless of their intent. We need to be cognizant of the choices we are making, especially if we intend them to be beneficial. What we think is morally good or right might not be perceived in the same way by others.
By personal responsibility, I do not mean taking action or making decisions solely for oneself.
We cannot disconnect ourselves from the fabric of humanity; from the fabric of the natural world. We are born of this world and our actions have potential consequences. If, when we make a decision, we think more broadly about the potential consequences of that decision, not only do we slow down instead of rushing into action, we are acting with the potential for improving the common good.
This is why I am working on creating the way of human heartedness, a simple philosophy for the common good, even when I ask myself, should I be standing up and fighting against what's "wrong" and acting like an activist? Yes and no. The issue I'm concerned about is, how we proceed, and how we lead ourselves on the other side.
I do not believe that religion, ritualistic spiritual traditions, or ideologies are the solution to our problems.
This is why I said at the beginning, we need something to guide us in how we act humanely, with heart and mind, instead of following something which is prescriptive; a set of rules to be judged by — for compliance or lack thereof. We need a path, a way that is not direct or obvious since that would limit options and freedom of choice for how one can behave in the very same way.
There are so many people much smarter than me in the areas of politics, religion, social organization, history, climate change, and capitalism. I look to them for information, guidance, and wisdom. We need them, and we need to participate in many of the ideas discussed and strategies they suggest to make evolutionary moral changes to how we act toward the planet and thus towards each other.
I believe that the way of human-heartedness is a unifying practice based on transcendent character traits and values.
But meanwhile, I will do my part to help those of you who are interested in building a stronger connection between heart and mind, to lead yourself as an example for others, humanely, inclusively, and in a way that seeks to create more equity for the well-being of all life on this planet.
Image credit: Jens Johnsson.
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