Tao Te Ching

What Is the Distinction Between Values and Virtues? One Leads to Deliberate and Thoughtful Action

What Is the Distinction Between Values and Virtues? One Leads to Deliberate and Thoughtful Action

Practicing the virtues expressed in the Tao Te Ching is not for appearances, recognition, or validation. These are actions that
2 min read
There Is a Space Between the Binary Labels of Male and Female that Connects Us All as Human Beings

There Is a Space Between the Binary Labels of Male and Female that Connects Us All as Human Beings

We are all worthy of dignity and freedom of self-expression. In 2005, I bought my first translation of the Tao
2 min read
Is the Tao Te Ching Still Relevant Today, and Why Would You Care to Read it?

Is the Tao Te Ching Still Relevant Today, and Why Would You Care to Read it?

The Tao Te Ching is implicitly a queer text, one that has been an ethics of the marginalized and the oppressed. Through simple metaphors and observations of nature, the Tao Te Ching offers a powerful virtue ethics philosophy for our common humanity, one that challenges the status quo.
3 min read
Labels Used to Describe Identities - Like Gay, Straight, Trans, Male, Female — Are Not Fixed in Meaning

Labels Used to Describe Identities - Like Gay, Straight, Trans, Male, Female — Are Not Fixed in Meaning

Human experience is not a constant — it is not fixed or static. When we experience new things — historically as civilizations
1 min read
The Necessity of Appealing to Innate Human Dignity Instead of Furthering Argument and Division

The Necessity of Appealing to Innate Human Dignity Instead of Furthering Argument and Division

Self-mastery is not about agreeing with other people’s opinions or keeping silent — it demonstrates your humility and respect for
9 min read
Does Courage Matter if You’re on the Wrong Side?

Does Courage Matter if You’re on the Wrong Side?

Is courage boldness, bravery, or a compassionate virtue? Courage doesn’t care what you are doing, it just helps you
4 min read
Human(e) Thought Leadership: How to Be the Change for the Common Good Through Self-Mastery

Human(e) Thought Leadership: How to Be the Change for the Common Good Through Self-Mastery

A single person can make a difference in the world, but they can't do it alone without a
5 min read
Why Are Rightwing Extremist Groups So Secretive?

Why Are Rightwing Extremist Groups So Secretive?

What have they got to hide? On the discontentment and tragedy of not knowing one’s connection with humanity. Recently,
7 min read
You Are Not a Rock — You Are Changeable By Your Very Nature

You Are Not a Rock — You Are Changeable By Your Very Nature

The Tao Te Ching shows how our potential as human beings lives in the possibility of emptiness — TQ199 Verse 39
3 min read
The Path of Self-Mastery — No Matter How Far We go or What We Do, We Are Always with Ourselves

The Path of Self-Mastery — No Matter How Far We go or What We Do, We Are Always with Ourselves

How things begin and how they converge. Contemplations on core concepts in the Tao Te Ching. This episode of the
3 min read