
Kelly Walker on Celebrating Life with Grace and Delight Because It’s Good to Be Alive

Kelly Walker on Celebrating Life with Grace and Delight Because It’s Good to Be Alive

A Think Queerly Podcast discussion with Canadian author, speaker, musician, and former Dominican Prior, Kelly Walker. I am pleased to
2 min read
Xmas-tential Questions: How to Have a Happy & Healthy Pandemic Holiday

Xmas-tential Questions: How to Have a Happy & Healthy Pandemic Holiday

How to create new traditions or scrap traditions and see things differently. “It’s hard to believe it’s one
4 min read
Radical Humility: An Antidote to Donald Trump’s Arrogance and Self-Importance

Radical Humility: An Antidote to Donald Trump’s Arrogance and Self-Importance

Lessons from the Tao Te Ching — Verse 24 There is no better example of insecurity, exaggerated self-importance, and egocentricity than
6 min read
What Happens When You Don’t Participate in Arguments or Controversy?

What Happens When You Don’t Participate in Arguments or Controversy?

Practicing the Principle of Non-Contention to Cultivate a More Loving Humanity. Enduring wisdom is profoundly simple, which is perhaps why
6 min read
Divisiveness Is an Illusion on Either Side of Balance

Divisiveness Is an Illusion on Either Side of Balance

Thinking Queerly: 52-Weeks of Critical Reflections On Liberating Humanity What does it say about who we are when we fight
3 min read
Beauty Is Judgement In the Eye of the Beholder

Beauty Is Judgement In the Eye of the Beholder

Dualities create unconscious belief systems that foster prejudice. “When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises When it knows
4 min read
The Way of No Contention

The Way of No Contention

One of the 6 Principles of Human-Hearted Leadership “The way for humans is to act without contention.” The above is
2 min read
How Can We Understand Gender Within the Fluidity of Human Nature?

How Can We Understand Gender Within the Fluidity of Human Nature?

Thinking Queerly: 52-Weeks of Critical Reflections On Liberating Humanity — Week 2 Fighting against gender and sexual fluidity is a fight
2 min read
How the Murder of a 12-Year Old Boy Shaped My Queerness

How the Murder of a 12-Year Old Boy Shaped My Queerness

The Story of Emanuel Jaques and Me—TQ139 On this day 43 years ago, on August 1, 1977, I was
4 min read
From Silence to the Deafening Disturbance of Difference

From Silence to the Deafening Disturbance of Difference

When everyone is shouting over everyone else, does anyone have a discernible message, one that breaks through to hearts and
1 min read