
Why We Need to Engage Critics and Defuse Outrage – LOP051

Why We Need to Engage Critics and Defuse Outrage – LOP051

Dealing with criticism versus personal attack When someone responds with a criticism or attack on my articles or podcast, that’
2 min read
Ray Rigoglioso, Gay Man of Wisdom – LOP048

Ray Rigoglioso, Gay Man of Wisdom – LOP048

Raymond L. Rigoglioso is the founder and executive director of Gay Men of Wisdom and author of Gay Men and
4 min read
Words That Hurt: What You Say Matters – LOP047

Words That Hurt: What You Say Matters – LOP047

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” The intention behind words matters. How a
4 min read
If Fear Is the Mind Killer What Is Its Opposite? LOP046

If Fear Is the Mind Killer What Is Its Opposite? LOP046

The fewer fears we have the more open-minded and accepting we are of possibilities and variations in all aspects of
3 min read
How Gay Men Imbue Culture With Beauty and Creativity – LOP042

How Gay Men Imbue Culture With Beauty and Creativity – LOP042

As a gay man, when I tune into beauty I connect with the source that creates life. From that source
2 min read
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer Is a Queer Hero’s Journey – LOP041

Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer Is a Queer Hero’s Journey – LOP041

Viewing the 1964 cartoon through a queer lens. As a little boy, I loved the classic Christmas cartoon, Rudolph the
1 min read
How My Parents Influenced My Gay Male Identity – LOP040

How My Parents Influenced My Gay Male Identity – LOP040

Our earliest influences that form who we become as adults start with our parents. While I am certainly not saying
2 min read
Forgiveness and Acceptance of Internalized Homophobia – LOP039

Forgiveness and Acceptance of Internalized Homophobia – LOP039

Gay men can lead others in a new model of forgiveness through their own healing of gay shame and understanding
1 min read
We Need Humane Rights, Not Human Rights – LOP037

We Need Humane Rights, Not Human Rights – LOP037

Populism is on the rise in North America. For the first time it seems like we’re beginning to see
1 min read
Creativity and Ego Cannot Go Together – LOP032

Creativity and Ego Cannot Go Together – LOP032

In the Western world we are constantly striving. We are building things. We are creating things. We are solving the
1 min read