Personal Growth

Risk Being Who You Already Are

Risk Being Who You Already Are

Stop interfering with your unique, natural state of being. If you want to liberate and experience your most authentic self,
1 min read
When Is “Enough,” Enough as We Strive for More?

When Is “Enough,” Enough as We Strive for More?

Lessons from the Tao Te Ching — Verse 9. What is enough? In other words, how do you define, enough, and
1 min read
No One Can Make You Feel the Way You Feel

No One Can Make You Feel the Way You Feel

Thinking Queerly: 52-Weeks of Critical Reflections On Liberating Humanity, Week 5 I cannot make you angry. A politician cannot make
1 min read
What Happens When You Don’t Participate in Arguments or Controversy?

What Happens When You Don’t Participate in Arguments or Controversy?

Practicing the Principle of Non-Contention to Cultivate a More Loving Humanity. Enduring wisdom is profoundly simple, which is perhaps why
6 min read
What Is Human-Hearted Leadership and Why Does it Matter?

What Is Human-Hearted Leadership and Why Does it Matter?

Introduction to the 6 Principles for Cultivating Open-Hearted Personal Leadership. If you want to be a great leader, you must
10 min read
Self-Sabotage is the Shame-Filled Mistake of Personal Development

Self-Sabotage is the Shame-Filled Mistake of Personal Development

How to Expand Your Comfort Zone and Improve Your Life by Using this Simple Process. Recently, I’ve been reading
10 min read
Beauty Is Judgement In the Eye of the Beholder

Beauty Is Judgement In the Eye of the Beholder

Dualities create unconscious belief systems that foster prejudice. “When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises When it knows
4 min read
How the Murder of a 12-Year Old Boy Shaped My Queerness

How the Murder of a 12-Year Old Boy Shaped My Queerness

The Story of Emanuel Jaques and Me—TQ139 On this day 43 years ago, on August 1, 1977, I was
4 min read
To Kill Your Darlings — Move Forward By Letting Go

To Kill Your Darlings — Move Forward By Letting Go

The end of the narrative for my publication, Th-Ink Queerly Over the weekend I wasn’t feeling well, worn out
6 min read
Celebrating the 2-Year Podcasting Anniversary of Think Queerly

Celebrating the 2-Year Podcasting Anniversary of Think Queerly

Two years ago on June 20, 2018, I launched my first podcast. It was called, The Living OUT Podcast, a
1 min read