When Two Paths Intersect and Create the Inflection Point of Human-Heartedness
Think Queerly Podcast — TQ182
An inflection point can be defined as a time of significant change in a situation or
When Everyone Is Shouting, Whose Voice Gets Heard and Who Is Right?
Whose message breaks through to change hearts and minds?
Reading Audre Lorde’s article, “The Transformation of Silence into Language
How The One Creates The Other — On Natural Diversity and Dualities
Dualities are not irreconcilable opposites or conflicts. Rather, they are mutual compliments of each other. TQ173
In this episode, I
Does Your Moral Character Commune Understanding and Respect for Human Dignity?
Part III: Where you stand requires understanding the moral myths that organize society.
In part I and part II of
Self-Examination Is a Significant Contributor to the Solidity of Your Moral Character
Part II: What you stand for is the integrity of a meaningful and actionable purpose.
Ifa house is built poorly,
Is What You Stand For In Life Making a Meaningful Difference in the World?
Part I — If you don’t have a clearly defined purpose, how will know if your choices will move you
Universal Human Dignity: Human Love and Self-Expression Must be Free
Every human being deserves the freedom to express who they are and to love whomever they love without prejudice.
Interview with the Authors of “Out North: An Archive of Queer Activism and Kinship in Canada”
Authors Craig Jennex & Nisha Eswaran on the Think Queerly Podcast
In this deep-dive interview with the authors of "
Xmas-tential Questions: How to Have a Happy & Healthy Pandemic Holiday
How to create new traditions or scrap traditions and see things differently.
“It’s hard to believe it’s one
How Expectations Limit Creativity and Personal Liberation
When we expect something to happen or someone to do something, we create resistance to the natural flow of infinite