Can Written or Spoken Words Be Considered Violence and Therefore Responsible for Violent Acts?
A semantic analysis and follow-up to my article, “Words Themselves Are Not Violence — Only Physical Acts of Aggression Are.”
Freddie Lewis On Using Music and Poetry to Share His Journey of Finding Self-Love as a Queer Person
Think Queerly Podcast interview with gentle poet and transgender pop star, Freddie Lewis — TQ204
Freddie Lewis offers a rarely seen
We Don’t Need to Blindly Follow a Guru, Religion, or an Ideology To Be Moral
We need a practice of human heartedness that starts with human(e) thought leadership for the common good —TQ203
Banned From California — Jim Foshee's Life of Persecution, Redemption, Liberation, and the Gay Civil Rights Movement
Think Queerly Podcast interview with Robert C. Steele, author of "Banned from California" — TQ202
In the 1950s, as
Michael Bach — Internationally Recognized Thought Leader in Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility
Think Queerly Podcast Thought Leadership Interview — TQ201
“Inclusion is about taking all the unique characteristics that people bring with them
You Are Not a Rock — You Are Changeable By Your Very Nature
The Tao Te Ching shows how our potential as human beings lives in the possibility of emptiness — TQ199
Verse 39
If You Are Human, There Is No Other — There Is Only One Humanity
If you cannot accept someone for their human nature, what is it about yourself that you do not accept?
What is Pride, and Why Should We Celebrate 2SLGBTQ+?
Personal reflections about Pride in 2021 and previous observations that bear repeating — TQ191.
Living with pride means living fully and
The Path of Self-Mastery — No Matter How Far We go or What We Do, We Are Always with Ourselves
How things begin and how they converge. Contemplations on core concepts in the Tao Te Ching.
This episode of the
Words Themselves Are Not Violence - Only Physical Acts of Aggression Are
Violence is a physical action, whereas words are symbols acting as intellectual constructs.
Sticks and stones may break my bones,