Kelly Walker on Celebrating Life with Grace and Delight Because It’s Good to Be Alive
A Think Queerly Podcast discussion with Canadian author, speaker, musician, and former Dominican Prior, Kelly Walker.
I am pleased to
How Expectations Limit Creativity and Personal Liberation
When we expect something to happen or someone to do something, we create resistance to the natural flow of infinite
Risk Being Who You Already Are
Stop interfering with your unique, natural state of being.
If you want to liberate and experience your most authentic self,
Inspiration Comes from Within But Support Comes from Other Minds
An invitation to ‘play’ in my Queer Creatives Mastermind Program
A few weeks ago I wrote a post titled, Why
Sex Panic! And No, I Will Not Think of the Children! LOP061
The expression of human sexuality, and the freedom to have sex with whomever we desire, was a defining quality in
The Reluctance to Lead as Out Gay Men: Embracing Gay Spirit
The Living OUT Podcast — LOP058
“Gay spirit speaks to the vitality that gay men possess, which is palpable but defies
How Gay Men Imbue Culture With Beauty and Creativity – LOP042
As a gay man, when I tune into beauty I connect with the source that creates life. From that source