
From Fitness Training to Becoming a Coach: A Journey I Didn't See Coming

From Fitness Training to Becoming a Coach: A Journey I Didn't See Coming

I was on the path to becoming a coach 12 years before I knew I was on the path.
3 min read
My dog, Scooby, and me sitting in a chair.

Rethinking Success to Embrace What Makes Me Happy

How my old beliefs about success keep me in the closet — and what I've learned.
3 min read
Unlock Your Impact: A Personal Invitation to Discover Clarity and Direction

Unlock Your Impact: A Personal Invitation to Discover Clarity and Direction

An invitation that could be the inspiration you need to set your direction and move forward. Last summer, I published
3 min read
How to Let Go of Expectations About Achieving Your Goals

How to Let Go of Expectations About Achieving Your Goals

When you shift your focus to the process and the journey, you activate your motivation. You've probably heard
4 min read
Liberate Your Mind: How to Challenge Unquestioned Beliefs in 3 Steps

Liberate Your Mind: How to Challenge Unquestioned Beliefs in 3 Steps

Without discomfort, there’s no potential for change, let alone transformational change.  Earlier this month, I published a short post
2 min read
What Are the Benefits of Knowing What’s Most Important and How Does that Cultivate Self-Mastery?

What Are the Benefits of Knowing What’s Most Important and How Does that Cultivate Self-Mastery?

Why do you hold your values to be true and why? Knowing what you value in life will make a
2 min read
To Optimize Creative Productivity, You Need Lists, an Agenda, and a Calendar. (Here's How All 3 Work Together)

To Optimize Creative Productivity, You Need Lists, an Agenda, and a Calendar. (Here's How All 3 Work Together)

If you're a creator, you need to get paid! The more efficient you are at brain-dumping and organizing
2 min read
How to Use the 3 Es of Self-Mastery Framework to Create Greater Efficiency, Happiness, and Success in Your Life

How to Use the 3 Es of Self-Mastery Framework to Create Greater Efficiency, Happiness, and Success in Your Life

What to do when you feel like the events or your life are defeating your best efforts. Occasionally, the events
2 min read
Do You Consider Yourself Part of the Great Resignation?

Do You Consider Yourself Part of the Great Resignation?

So much has changed in society and how we think about the meaning of work and freedom since COVID-19. If
1 min read
If You’re Missing Any of These 3 Essentials to Maximize Your Productivity, You’ll Burn Out and Fail as a Creator

If You’re Missing Any of These 3 Essentials to Maximize Your Productivity, You’ll Burn Out and Fail as a Creator

The 3 essential elements of highly efficient (and humane) productivity. What is the purpose of talking about productivity unless we
9 min read