Your 2020 Year-In-Review Personal Evolution Process (P.E.P.)
A simple journaling process to review the meaningful highlights, milestones, and insights that shaped you and your year.
What was
You Can't Expect Others to Make You Feel the Way You Want to Feel
A Personal Evolution Practice (PEP) to get clarity on how you want to be loved and respected.
Recently, a friend
How Expectations Limit Creativity and Personal Liberation
When we expect something to happen or someone to do something, we create resistance to the natural flow of infinite
Knowledge for the Sake of Knowledge is Meaningless
Lessons from the Tao Te Ching, Verse 39
For years, I felt inferior, not as smart, not as intellectual as
Radical Humility: An Antidote to Donald Trump’s Arrogance and Self-Importance
Lessons from the Tao Te Ching — Verse 24
There is no better example of insecurity, exaggerated self-importance, and egocentricity than
When Is “Enough,” Enough as We Strive for More?
Lessons from the Tao Te Ching — Verse 9.
What is enough? In other words, how do you define, enough, and
Divisiveness Is an Illusion on Either Side of Balance
Thinking Queerly: 52-Weeks of Critical Reflections On Liberating Humanity
What does it say about who we are when we fight
What Is Human-Hearted Leadership and Why Does it Matter?
Introduction to the 6 Principles for Cultivating Open-Hearted Personal Leadership.
If you want to be a great leader,
you must
Self-Sabotage is the Shame-Filled Mistake of Personal Development
How to Expand Your Comfort Zone and Improve Your Life by Using this Simple Process.
Recently, I’ve been reading
To Kill Your Darlings — Move Forward By Letting Go
The end of the narrative for my publication, Th-Ink Queerly
Over the weekend I wasn’t feeling well, worn out