To Understand the Concept of ‘Good,’ We Must Accept the Mutually Arising Polarity of ‘Bad’.
Conscientious humane action requires that we navigate the space in-between what is ‘good and bad’ to minimize harm caused to others by remaining too long at unnatural extremes.
What Does It Mean to Be a Virtuous Person and How Is that Different From a Person of Good Character?
We live in a social media age where morality and ethics are demonstrated as virtue-signalling memes or thumbs-up emoticons — often
What Is the Distinction Between Values and Virtues? One Leads to Deliberate and Thoughtful Action
Practicing the virtues expressed in the Tao Te Ching is not for appearances, recognition, or validation.
These are actions that
There Is a Space Between the Binary Labels of Male and Female that Connects Us All as Human Beings
We are all worthy of dignity and freedom of self-expression.
In 2005, I bought my first translation of the Tao
Why Leadership Should Not Be a Measure of the Individual Leader’s Character
Leadership needs to empower others to act with integrity.
It might be a cliché, but “To err is human” is
What Is Most Important in Your Life: What You Own or How You Feel?
Last August, my partner, Christiaan, moved to Montreal from Toronto to start a new job. I helped him move and
How to Be True to Who You Are: The Thin Line Between Niceness and Fairness
The challenging intersection of social etiquette and equity in professional relationships.
Is the Tao Te Ching Still Relevant Today, and Why Would You Care to Read it?
The Tao Te Ching is implicitly a queer text, one that has been an ethics of the marginalized and the oppressed. Through simple metaphors and observations of nature, the Tao Te Ching offers a powerful virtue ethics philosophy for our common humanity, one that challenges the status quo.
What Matters More to You — Your Accomplishments or the Reasons Behind Your Goals?
Why the “Why” is the true driver of your success for all things in life.
In a recent article, I
Labels Used to Describe Identities - Like Gay, Straight, Trans, Male, Female — Are Not Fixed in Meaning
Human experience is not a constant — it is not fixed or static.
When we experience new things — historically as civilizations