2 min read

How to Manifest Your Dreams When They Seem Impossible – LOP045

How to Manifest Your Dreams When They Seem Impossible – LOP045

Now is the perfect time to review the events of this past year.

What went well for you? What were your wins, moments you were most proud of, goals that you accomplished, etc.? What did you struggle with and why? What lessons can be learned from your problems and what didn’t work out as planned?

This is the first step in my ADD Coaching Method (Assess, Dream, Design) which I’m using on myself (because I practice what I preach). “Self-Assessment” is a vital first step in before planning your goals for the new year. You want you discern the lessons from your wins prior to charting a new course.

Your wins and success confirm that you that you were on track with your purpose, values, and goals.

Note what structures and systems you implement that helped you accomplish those wins. As for failures or struggles, what does that tell you? Did you go off plan? Did you get distracted? Did you try something that you might need to learn more about next year, in order to complete that project or goal?

In the last episode I spoke on, How to Discover Your True Purpose in Life – LOP044. Your purpose or mission statement is part of the work we do in the Dream Stage of the ADD Method. I find it more powerful and intuitive to get clear on your purpose before dreaming three years into your future present.

Your purpose will inform your dream goals, acting like a frame around a landscape that you paint onto your canvas of possibility. Tweet

Your purpose is like the foundation of a house.

Your purpose will support your dreams – and subsequent goals – in a deeply meaningful way. If you come from your purpose – if you base you choice upon your personal foundations – you will not only create goals with “purpose”,  you will feel naturally inspired, passionate, and motivated to do the work to accomplish those goals.

What happens though if you feel disconnected from your 3-year dream?

You may have felt connected and inspired when you first imagined your dream life –  in the present tense – three years in the future. But after spending some time working on your goals you begin to feel stressed. You’re no longer certain and feel trapped. Or you feel that you won’t be able to accomplish your 3-year dream, let alone the goals you set for the year.

This exact situation happened to me earlier this year. I realized I was trying to design my future through a lens or a structure based in the present moment. In other words,

To create something different than what I have now, I can't use the structures I’ve been using that got me to this point. Tweet

Listen to today’s episode to find out how to reconnect with your long-term dream and get back on track.

Living OUT theme music: “Summer” by Bensound.com ~ Photo torbakhopper on Flickr.