2 min read

Happiness Should Not Be the Goal for Change Makers and Leaders

Happiness is a byproduct of doing things that are aligned with what’s deeply meaningful to you, that brings you fulfillment through pursuing your purpose or mission.
Happiness Should Not Be the Goal for Change Makers and Leaders

I bet you’re thinking that there are a hundred great reasons to be happy!

You’re right, of course.

However, happiness is not a goal — nor should it be.

Happiness is a state of mind and being. The only way you can be in that state, is to be in the present moment.

What would you rather be? Happy now, or happy later?

Happiness is a byproduct of doing things that are aligned with what’s deeply meaningful to you, that bring you fulfillment through pursuing your purpose or mission.

In other words, the resulting experience of true happiness is an affirmation that you are authentically living in alignment with and practicing your core values.

So, if you’re reading books or articles or listening to so-called experts who talk about how to be 10% happier (or whatever measure), I suggest you ditch that bullshit!

You can’t increase the percentage of your happiness.

Being happy is not like a product you can produce in a factory where you can control efficiencies like speed of production, quality of manufacture, and costs.

Happiness is not a capitalistic quality.

However, because we live in a capitalistic society that bombards us with persuasive advertising (using influence, guilt, or status) to buy more things to increase happiness, many of you have come to believe that external things bring happiness.

Do you see the nefarious connection?

Happiness is a state of mind and being.

You cultivate and foster your happiness by doing things that you love doing.

You experience happiness when you feel accepted, connected to others, understood, and cared for. Conversely, when you make others feel those emotions, you will also experience happiness — more likely joy, but that’s a topic for another day.

When you stand up for what you believe is right by ethically supporting a common humanity of fairness and dignity, you demonstrate human-hearted leadership.

When someone seeks your wisdom and guidance, you experience happiness once again because you were appreciated and recognized for working towards making a difference in the world by empowering others.

Want to BE happier?

Start DOING more of what’s most important to you AND connects you with the humanity of others that makes an equitable and meaningful difference in the world.

What’s ONE thing you can start doing — right now — that will make you experience more happiness?



P.S. Why the picture of me and my partner, Christiaan?

Because spending more quality time with him (and our dog, Scooby) makes me feel present in our love, respect, and understanding of each other. All of which contribute massively to my happiness and joy! 😄