Don't Be Afraid to Fuck Up Right Now

My message for you today is simple: Don’t be afraid to fuck up.
Right now, it feels like everything is falling apart.
The world is in turmoil—politically, socially, and globally.
It seems like we’re on the edge of World War III or civil war. Protests are happening everywhere, yet the mainstream media barely covers them. You might find glimpses on Instagram or Facebook—if the algorithm hasn’t buried them. The "T" is being erased from LGBTQ+ identities.
People are being digitally erased, which is a dangerous step toward something even worse.
But here’s the thing: The world isn’t “fucked up.” The world is as it is.
When we say everything is broken, that’s a judgment. It means we’re comparing our current reality to what we wish it could be. But labeling everything as "fucked up" can also be an admission of helplessness—a choice not to act.
Instead, a more powerful, community-serving approach is to ask: What can I do? What small, simple step can I take? Who can I support? What action can I get underway?
Because right now is the moment. If you feel things aren’t as they should be, it’s time to stand up for what you believe is right—to protect what you don’t want fucked with.
This isn’t about clinging to the status quo, rigid traditions, or what’s considered "normal."
As a gay man, as a queer-thinking human being, I fight for a world rooted in inclusivity, acceptance, and dignity for all—without compromise. I don’t want to go back to how things were. I want to ensure that basic human rights and freedoms remain protected.
Every individual should have the right to express who they are without being told, "You can’t call yourself 'they'" or "You can’t call yourself 'he' when you were assigned female at birth."
No one should dictate how we define ourselves—just as no one can tell me my name isn’t Darren.
Last night, I spoke with a former client. He told me, "I want to be creative. I want to do things that bring me joy and inspiration, rather than just reacting to all the disruption around me." And that’s exactly what’s happening right now. We’re being bombarded with crisis after crisis, forced into constant reaction mode, distracted from what we truly want to create and contribute.
That’s what’s really fucked up.
Those in power—whether in government or organizations that follow the Trump regime to stay in its good graces—are making rash decisions. These decisions will have devastating consequences for the livelihoods, freedoms, and even lives of people who don’t fit within their narrow definition of "normal."
But let’s be clear: There is no norm.
Norms are illusions—social constructs created to make people feel safe and accepted within a community. But just because another community looks different or functions differently from our own doesn’t mean they deserve any less dignity, respect, or freedom.
So, let me say it again: Don’t be afraid to fuck up right now.
Stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for what shouldn’t be fucked with.
I’ve made a few mistakes recently—nothing catastrophic, but enough to make me pause. I wrote something I wish I hadn’t. But that mistake came from a place of urgency—a need to get this message out. And that’s what I hope to inspire in you today.
If you’re someone who wants to make a difference, whether by leading from the front (on the same level with others, not above them) or by supporting those making change, now is the time to act. The world doesn’t need more division, polarization, or discord—it needs people willing to step up, speak out, and stand for common humanity.
What’s the simplest step you can take to get involved in change?
Share your thoughts in the comments—I’d love to hear from you.
If you don’t know what you stand for, you won’t have a leg to stand on.
Let’s meet for a conversation to help you get explicitly clear about what you believe shouldn't be fucked with, so that you can take an ethical stand and make a truly meaningful impact.
Use the form below to send me a message about the biggest challenge you’re currently facing as a change-maker.
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