Darren Stehle

Darren Stehle

You make a real difference in the world every time you stand up courageously and proudly for what you know is right, ethically supporting a common humanity of dignity and equity.
Self-Esteem Is Not Earned or Deserved — It Is Foundational to Your Human Nature and Inherent Dignity

Self-Esteem Is Not Earned or Deserved — It Is Foundational to Your Human Nature and Inherent Dignity

A contrarian approach to an unquestioned capitalistic concept that harms one's self-worth. A few weeks ago, a colleague
3 min read
Wisdom is Knowing That You Do Not Know

Wisdom is Knowing That You Do Not Know

Insight from the Tao Te Ching — Verse 71.
1 min read
How Things Begin and Converge: Core Ideas Expressed in the Tao Te Ching.

How Things Begin and Converge: Core Ideas Expressed in the Tao Te Ching.

No matter how far we go and what we do, we are always with ourselves.
3 min read
You Are Not a Rock — You Are Changeable By Your Very Nature

You Are Not a Rock — You Are Changeable By Your Very Nature

The Tao Te Ching shows how our potential as human beings lives in the possibility of emptiness.
3 min read
Knowledge for the Sake of Knowledge Is Meaningless — Knowing What You Don't Know Is Humility

Knowledge for the Sake of Knowledge Is Meaningless — Knowing What You Don't Know Is Humility

Self-Mastery wisdom from the Tao Te Ching — Verse 39
1 min read
Why Do Queers Get So Fucking Angry?

Why Do Queers Get So Fucking Angry?

2SLGBTQIA+ people are no one’s enemy. We are the scapegoat of the fanatical religious right.
4 min read
The Emotional Challenges and (Sometimes) Trauma of Being an Entrepreneur - That No One Tells You About

The Emotional Challenges and (Sometimes) Trauma of Being an Entrepreneur - That No One Tells You About

A personal narrative about the importance of self-mastery if you're a self-employed creator. If you’re an entrepreneur,
5 min read
The Necessity of Appealing to Innate Human Dignity Instead of Furthering Argument and Division

The Necessity of Appealing to Innate Human Dignity Instead of Furthering Argument and Division

Self-mastery is not about agreeing with other people’s opinions or keeping silent — it demonstrates your humility and respect for
9 min read
A Personal Update: I've Made a Significant Career Change

A Personal Update: I've Made a Significant Career Change

What that means for the Think Queerly Podcast and my work as a Coach and a writer.
4 min read
What Are the Benefits of Knowing What’s Most Important and How Does that Cultivate Self-Mastery?

What Are the Benefits of Knowing What’s Most Important and How Does that Cultivate Self-Mastery?

Why do you hold your values to be true and why? Knowing what you value in life will make a
2 min read