Collectivism and Religion Versus Individualism and Ideology
The rise of the self-serving individual has led to the moral and existential crises we are witnessing today.
How to Avoid Pink-Washing by Corporations Capitalizing off of 2SLGBTQ+ Pride Celebrations this June
Everything you value, you've been taught to value. It's time to question what you may have never questioned and re-direct where you spend your money.
Self-Love Is Sometimes the Toughest Love of All
If you want people to love and respect you, you have to do the work to love and respect yourself first
Humility is the Willingness to Understand Another Person Without Prejudice (There’s No Human Dignity Without It)
Humility cultivates connection and acceptance through the willingness to understand another person’s perspective, values, or beliefs.
How to Change the Structure of Self-Criticism to Improve How You Feel About Yourself
A 2-level game/exercise about your relationship with your mind (the ego) — and the 'other.'
Knowing Your Ignorance is Liberation from Prejudice and Blind Faith
Knowledge is not power — Knowing that you do not know is truth.
Is the Pain and Discomfort of Regret Worth the Excuses for Not Changing?
The sucking stuck of regret.
Radical Humility: An Antidote to Arrogance and Self-Importance
Lessons from the Tao Te Ching — Verse 24
How LGBTQ+ Diversity Demonstrates that Dualities Are Artificial Constructs
Queer self-expression is like the duality of yin and yang — complementary and natural polarities of life.
Pride at Work Canada with Director of Programs, Jade Pichette
A Think Queerly Podcast Thought Leadership Interview with Jade Pichette | TQ243
Jade Pichette (they/them) is an inclusion, diversity, equity,