Darren Stehle

Darren Stehle

You make a real difference in the world every time you stand up courageously and proudly for what you know is right, ethically supporting a common humanity of dignity and equity.
The Hateful Prejudice and Elitism that is Jordan Peterson – LOP056

The Hateful Prejudice and Elitism that is Jordan Peterson – LOP056

One of the promises made by the current Ontario PC government was that they would repeal the 2015 Ontario sex-ed
3 min read
How to Communicate Better on Gay Dating Apps – LOP055

How to Communicate Better on Gay Dating Apps – LOP055

In the last episode I waxed nostalgic about, The Good Old Days of Meeting Men for Sex at Gay Bars
1 min read
The Good Old Days of Meeting Men for Sex at Gay Bars – LOP054

The Good Old Days of Meeting Men for Sex at Gay Bars – LOP054

I was 19 years old and had been going out to gay bars for about six months. It was a
1 min read
There Is No Space Between Us In The Gap – LOP053

There Is No Space Between Us In The Gap – LOP053

Today’s episode takes the form of a meditative thought experiment. An awareness came through me this morning while moving
1 min read
Authentic Masculinity Is The Best A Man Can Get – LOP052

Authentic Masculinity Is The Best A Man Can Get – LOP052

Praise for Gillette’s #MeToo ad on 'toxic masculinity' What is the opposite of toxic masculinity? I would
2 min read
Why We Need to Engage Critics and Defuse Outrage – LOP051

Why We Need to Engage Critics and Defuse Outrage – LOP051

Dealing with criticism versus personal attack When someone responds with a criticism or attack on my articles or podcast, that’
2 min read
Gay Men, Resilience, and Our Chosen Family – LOP050

Gay Men, Resilience, and Our Chosen Family – LOP050

It’s Story Time… It was 1999 and I had recently moved to Toronto. The day after I broke up
2 min read
How to Love Your Body as a Gay Man – LOP049

How to Love Your Body as a Gay Man – LOP049

Think Differently with Healthier Thoughts Many gay men, myself included, have at some point tried to improve their physical appearance
2 min read
Ray Rigoglioso, Gay Man of Wisdom – LOP048

Ray Rigoglioso, Gay Man of Wisdom – LOP048

Raymond L. Rigoglioso is the founder and executive director of Gay Men of Wisdom and author of Gay Men and
4 min read
Words That Hurt: What You Say Matters – LOP047

Words That Hurt: What You Say Matters – LOP047

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” The intention behind words matters. How a
4 min read