Darren Stehle

Darren Stehle

You make a real difference in the world every time you stand up courageously and proudly for what you know is right, ethically supporting a common humanity of dignity and equity.
When Everyone Is Shouting, Whose Voice Gets Heard and Who Is Right?

When Everyone Is Shouting, Whose Voice Gets Heard and Who Is Right?

Whose message breaks through to change hearts and minds? Reading Audre Lorde’s article, “The Transformation of Silence into Language
6 min read
How The One Creates The Other — On Natural Diversity and Dualities

How The One Creates The Other — On Natural Diversity and Dualities

Dualities are not irreconcilable opposites or conflicts. Rather, they are mutual compliments of each other. TQ173 In this episode, I
1 min read
Does Your Moral Character Commune Understanding and Respect for Human Dignity?

Does Your Moral Character Commune Understanding and Respect for Human Dignity?

Part III: Where you stand requires understanding the moral myths that organize society. In part I and part II of
6 min read
Self-Examination Is a Significant Contributor to the Solidity of Your Moral Character

Self-Examination Is a Significant Contributor to the Solidity of Your Moral Character

Part II: What you stand for is the integrity of a meaningful and actionable purpose. Ifa house is built poorly,
3 min read
Is What You Stand For In Life Making a Meaningful Difference in the World?

Is What You Stand For In Life Making a Meaningful Difference in the World?

Part I — If you don’t have a clearly defined purpose, how will know if your choices will move you
5 min read
Universal Human Dignity: Human Love and Self-Expression Must be Free

Universal Human Dignity: Human Love and Self-Expression Must be Free

Every human being deserves the freedom to express who they are and to love whomever they love without prejudice. In
2 min read
Interview with the Authors of “Out North: An Archive of Queer Activism and Kinship in Canada”

Interview with the Authors of “Out North: An Archive of Queer Activism and Kinship in Canada”

Authors Craig Jennex & Nisha Eswaran on the Think Queerly Podcast In this deep-dive interview with the authors of "
6 min read
On Staying Insecure and Embracing Imposter Syndrome

On Staying Insecure and Embracing Imposter Syndrome

What limits our potential is thinking that we’re not enough. Back in late October, I started reviewing the 300
5 min read
What To Do When You Can’t Figure Out Why You’re Not Doing What You Want (P.E.P.)

What To Do When You Can’t Figure Out Why You’re Not Doing What You Want (P.E.P.)

A Personal Evolution Process to get unstuck and create a simple strategy to easily do what you want and need
8 min read
If You’re Missing This One Thing, You’ll Fail at Your Goals, Just Like Last Year

If You’re Missing This One Thing, You’ll Fail at Your Goals, Just Like Last Year

The thing is not the thing: A coach’s perspective on setting meaningful, intentional goals for what they will make
8 min read