Darren Stehle

Darren Stehle

You make a real difference in the world every time you stand up courageously and proudly for what you know is right, ethically supporting a common humanity of dignity and equity.
How Can You Reduce the Anxiety of Overwhelm?

How Can You Reduce the Anxiety of Overwhelm?

Too much attention on too many things is not enough attention on anything. Being overwhelmed is a result of trying
1 min read
What is Pride, and Why Should We Celebrate 2SLGBTQ+?

What is Pride, and Why Should We Celebrate 2SLGBTQ+?

Personal reflections about Pride in 2021 and previous observations that bear repeating — TQ191. Living with pride means living fully and
5 min read
"We Have a Past, But Not a History." The Various Dimensions of LGBTQ History, Leadership, and Community.

"We Have a Past, But Not a History." The Various Dimensions of LGBTQ History, Leadership, and Community.

A Think Queerly Podcast discussion about Dr. Madeline Davis and queer representation in history with Jeffry J. Iovannone. Jeffry J.
3 min read
The Path of Self-Mastery — No Matter How Far We go or What We Do, We Are Always with Ourselves

The Path of Self-Mastery — No Matter How Far We go or What We Do, We Are Always with Ourselves

How things begin and how they converge. Contemplations on core concepts in the Tao Te Ching. This episode of the
3 min read
Attend to What Is Happening, Now

Attend to What Is Happening, Now

A rumination on Verse 14 of the Tao Te Ching The present moment is the only time that’s available
1 min read
Are Your Life Decisions In Alignment with What's Most Important to You?

Are Your Life Decisions In Alignment with What's Most Important to You?

A Personal Evolution Process to get clarity about what’s most important in your life — and why. One of my
2 min read
Words Themselves Are Not Violence - Only Physical Acts of Aggression Are

Words Themselves Are Not Violence - Only Physical Acts of Aggression Are

Violence is a physical action, whereas words are symbols acting as intellectual constructs. Sticks and stones may break my bones,
4 min read
What’s the Point of Pursuing Your Purpose If It Doesn’t Bring You Freedom, Peace of Mind, and Joy?

What’s the Point of Pursuing Your Purpose If It Doesn’t Bring You Freedom, Peace of Mind, and Joy?

Something is missing if your purpose doesn’t inspire and compel you to make a difference in the lives of
4 min read
When You Accept that Success is a Continuous Process, You Can Let Go of Failure as a Moment in Time

When You Accept that Success is a Continuous Process, You Can Let Go of Failure as a Moment in Time

Why success & failure are not opposites on The Shaun Proulx Show. What Is Failure? Failure is the decision to
2 min read
As a Gay Man, What Do You Believe About Sex, Love, and Relationships?

As a Gay Man, What Do You Believe About Sex, Love, and Relationships?

How gay shame intersects with your ability to feel acceptance, connection, and care — in other words, love. One of my
6 min read